Monday, June 22, 2009

A Long Time Coming

So, neither one of us has written in a while. Phillip is too much of a slacker to really write anything and I was busy with school. As of right now, I'm on the phone with our mutual friend Andrea, who was decided that driver's ed school would be totally awesome to attend so she can get her license. Not being licensed hasn't stopped her from driving everyone fucking crazy, though. So, I don't see the point of her making it legal. She just told me her sister is 18 months pregnant and I believe it. I think Jamaal and I should sing her our version of Dannity Kane's "Damaged (ours is Trannity Kane's "Pregnant!" [so pregnant])

Besides Andrea a lot has been going on. I had a vacay in Savannah (before Miley, cause I'm a trendsetter like that.) Phillip stayed with me for a week and a half (and no WoW was played, check your pulse, it's that amazing.) I've been tanning by the pool (screams of horror at me being shirtless ensue.)

Oh, and Phillip has some wonderful news, but I'm not suppose to say anything until it's 100% official. The pic is related. Something funny will be posted later in honor of Heather (who likes to make me feel like a terrible person when I chuckle at limbless people).

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