Monday, June 22, 2009

A Long Time Coming

So, neither one of us has written in a while. Phillip is too much of a slacker to really write anything and I was busy with school. As of right now, I'm on the phone with our mutual friend Andrea, who was decided that driver's ed school would be totally awesome to attend so she can get her license. Not being licensed hasn't stopped her from driving everyone fucking crazy, though. So, I don't see the point of her making it legal. She just told me her sister is 18 months pregnant and I believe it. I think Jamaal and I should sing her our version of Dannity Kane's "Damaged (ours is Trannity Kane's "Pregnant!" [so pregnant])

Besides Andrea a lot has been going on. I had a vacay in Savannah (before Miley, cause I'm a trendsetter like that.) Phillip stayed with me for a week and a half (and no WoW was played, check your pulse, it's that amazing.) I've been tanning by the pool (screams of horror at me being shirtless ensue.)

Oh, and Phillip has some wonderful news, but I'm not suppose to say anything until it's 100% official. The pic is related. Something funny will be posted later in honor of Heather (who likes to make me feel like a terrible person when I chuckle at limbless people).

Friday, January 16, 2009

Russian New Year

This is why they should have things like Perviy Kanal in the US. This is a little clip from New Year's Eve from Russian television. It's kinda fucking amazing and why don't we have shit like this here? The group is Fabrika and they are sort of a comedy/facts of life group, singing about going to the beach, and being a hussy for sugar daddies and the such. Basically, one of the best groups ever. Anyways, my children, this is why we should all have Russian television.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

С Рождеством!

Hi, children!

Today is Orthodox Christmas and if I was a good little Christian boy, my yolka (tree) would still be up until the fourteenth of January (Russian New Year). Alas, I am not and it is boxed away, but I can still drink myself to death today, right?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Over It!

This is just to document something. More later.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Today, I Am a Woman

So, my family came over the other day to give me my Christmas gifts and so we could discuss the future. My gifts included money (the best gift of all), a new cookbook, and some crap from my step grandmother. But two things took the cake yesterday:
1. My mom brought me a starter herb garden!
2. Half of someone's present arrived.

Mama had planted rosemary (clipping) and seeds of sweet basil, thyme, and oregano. She had even made cute little clothespins with the common and scientific names on them. I added my own little touch with their English, Russian, and Georgian names. So, I thought I'd use half of the present to take some pictures of it to make sure the gift works before I give it away (big hint as to what it is.)

Basically, I'm uber-excited and can't wait to re-pot the little ones when it's thyme (God, I'm hilarious.)

Sorry Phillip hasn't posted in forever, he's officially a WoW-tard now.