Tuesday, November 11, 2008

All You Had To Do Was Yell...

Good Morning!

I know no one is reading this quite yet, but I thought I'd share how I spent my morning. I woke up an hour early (at 7:00 am) so that I could finish cleaning the kitchen and make it to school by 10 (which means catching the bus by 9:20...yay for public trans.) I showered, did the daily ritual of pills (not drugs...that's not in the morning) and such and then set to finishing the kitchen. I bagged and closed 5 trash bags and began moving the garbage can so I could sweep and mop. To my horror, I found a veritable smorgasbord of delectable food bits. So...I decided to hand scrub and sterilize the floor. Yes, hand scrub...the entire kitchen. And while I was down there I cleaned the baseboard and the cabinets. Proud that my humble scullery was now sparkling white from head to toe, I rushed into my bedroom to put on a shirt and looked at my phone to see if anyone loved me enough to "Good Morning, sunshine!" via text. It just so happened that time had skipped forward to 9:58 am. Ah, the joys of scrubbing bliss that make time skip forward several hours. I grabbed my bags, reassured myself that I'd finish my homework in the lab and ran out the m-f-ing door towards my corner...I mean bus stop. The bright side to all of this is that the kitchen will remain clean for the rest of the week...until my roommate returns Friday. Enjoy what's left of the morning, non-existent readers!

1 comment:

Jessy said...

This is an old post, but I am behind... I so miss you and your joy of cleaning! No one here seems to understand when I just randomly come over and start cleaning their floors! THEY ARE DIRTY!
