Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Recap of the 13th

Okay, so I'm starting to forget this shit, but I'll try my best to remember all the details:

Pretty/Beautiful (P/B): Loves black men. Friend of DDD and MKO. Always dancing...very well I might add. Incredibly fun, but finds himself left out b/c his phone is always one the fritz, he works two jobs, and he no longer has a car.

Last Thursday, I get a call from DDD's phone, but it wasn't him. Seems him and P/B were hanging out and P/B wanted me to join. I was cool with the idea, but Jawsh was gone for the week, so I didn't have a way of getting there. P/B said he would ask DDD to come pick me up. About an hour goes by and finally I get a call. Seems the get together is turning into me, P/B, DDD, MKO, and MKO's ex and good friend...oh, and don't forget our dear friend vodka.

DDD and P/B come and pick me up. Let me remind you that everytime I've been on the phone, it's been DDD's number but P/B's voice. I get in the car (on the phone with Phillip at the time. Phillips is basically at these events.) I start talking to P/B we have fun gossiping and DDD interjects to the effect of "you guys are leaving me out of the conversation." DDD has not talked until now. Anyjew, we get to the place, start drinking and P/B and I play DDR while DDD goes and showers. MKO and his ex return from a night at club Opera. They've already been drinking. DDD now starts to consume a lot. (The rest of us do, too and P/B ends up flashing his pee pee at us...all on camera.) DDD gets trashed and holds my hand, but not b/c he likes me. He justs need help standing up. Drinking and debauchery ensue and soon I do the good old Alan thing and get tired. I tell DDD "I'm starting to crash." He stumbles off and returns with a pillow and blanket and places me and the provisions on the couch. I, drunkenly, ask "Why can't I stay in the bed?" to which he replies, "Because P/B is sleeping with me."

P/B gets this confused look but continues to dance. I crash...

Only to wake up to hot tranny mess. DDD is crying on my stomach, kneeling next to the couch on the floor. WTF? I inquire what is wrong and he says "I was puking and MKO wouldn't help me!" Note: everyone is asleep, including MKO. I further inquire why he did not seek either P/B (who is in his bed) or me for assistance. "That would be rude." he responds.
He pushes me deep into the couch and lays next to me where he continues to sob and say he is a worthless human being for some hours. I keep dozing in and out, muttering comforting phrases that after having several tragic friends have become a mantra I say whenever I hear someone sob. DDD then gets angry, slams doors and does the whoe childish act becaues MKO didn't help him and leaves for court.

This is not the first time I've been sent to the couch. I went hom with DDD (just me and him) after he got upset at a party b/c MKO was there. I watched a movie with him, comforted him (on his bed!) and kept him company. After he was comforted, he dismissed me from the bed to the couch. This boy also only texts me when he is sad or alone and doesn't talk to me otherwise, even when he's too drunk to stand, he doesn't converse.

I later found out that the reason the P/B talked on DDD's phone was b/c P/B wanted me there, but DDD didn't want to come get me. Talk about a fucking slap in the face. I have realized that this boy basically uses me as a shoulder to cry, but otherwise has no interest in me. All contact between us that is not sob story related is initiated by me.

And another thing, why am I attracted to fucked up, sob story boys who have no interest in me?

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