Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Of Marriage and Georgienne

I know I have discussed American boys a lot, but I am "betrothed" to one boy, Mr. Georgienne. I think he is my soulmate. There's just one problem and the reason why we aren't together now: He's foreign. That's right, Alan enjoys only the most difficult of situations. He can't seem to get anything, no green card or student visa or anything. It's all too expensive a risk to basically play the lotto. There is an easier way, but it involves something that for now is impossible: marriage. You see, when you marry a foreigner, they sort of get your citizenship status. That is, they can live in the country with you. Sounds like a good plan, but there's a problem

You see, everyone keeps saying "you can get married in MA, that should be good enought for you." And true enough, I could, but there's just a tiny problem with it: They federal government doesn't recognize gay marriages and the federal government controls immigration, not the states. Thus, even if we were to marry in MA, Georgienne still couldn't live in the US on that.

This being my dilemma, i have actually paid a great deal of attention to the whole gay marriage issue in Cali and other states. It seems as though many people see the marriage issue like exercise, those that work out get the benefit of being healthy and looking good. And that if gays want to marry, they're going to have to work hard and build those relationship muscles. That's fine. Some people, however, think that gay people are amoebas and don't have muscles and therefore can't exercise and shouldn't be given the right to exercise. Even given the overwhelming evidence that we are not amoebas and we can have meaningful, healthy relationships, some people just don't want to give us the right to marry. It's damaging, I was going somewhere else with us, but I lost my point for the moment. I'm posting this, but it might get revised. I don't know. Just be scared that the "call boy" is thinking of serious relationships and marriage.

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