Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Too much G4

The city of Jennings no longer has my faith when it comes to providing me with crazy things like.. electricity. I forgot that America has an infrastructure problems when I lived in the suburbs, but I have been reminded. The power outage, which still has half the town lit up as brightly as the inside of Alan's cavernous manhole, killed my last post. Which is okay by me. I have something far more insane and interesting to talk about now.

My grandfather is totally insane. The man can't decide what he wants to be, a ranting republican or simply a ranting anarchist. He hates all of Washington, but saves special hate speech for Democrats. Barney Frank was just on C-SPAN1 talking, and my grandfather stated, with his voice of God pronouncement voice, that he should be run out of the Senate and that he is single-handedly responsible for financial crisis (you know, as a thing, not even just the American fall out). I hold my tongue in arguing that a terrible American culture of plastic and false superiority is responsibility, because I have learned it goes nowhere.

Then he attacked Rachel Maddow and "wished he was closer so he could kick people's asses when they lie." And "it's all fucking politics, they [Democrats] just lie." /sigh
I don't really know what to say. I just ignore him and go on with my online life.

To continue my political rant, I like Ron Paul. I don't agree with laissez-faire as the solution to everything, but as conservatives and libertarians go, he knows his platform well. I can trust Ron Paul to do what a Libertarian is supposed to. The sad, sad site has been cracking me up.

**let me interject here, last night, when I started this post for the third time, the Gods chose to thwart me. I lost power at about 9:30 pm CT and did not get power back until 1:30am CT. Makes me SO mad.**

Anyway, after my lack of posting, I'm sure Alan's internal pot of Columbian coffee is roiling at my neglect of this site. So I will stop here for now and think of new things to post, as I can no long follow my thoughts from last night.

I leave you with:

The kings of Leon. Pretty amazing, Sex on Fire, is my jam.
But the entire CD is amazing.

(CD cover presumably ©2007 RCA Records, if not so sorry)

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