Monday, November 17, 2008

i shouldn't post when this sleepy...

this rude, malicious lie of me having a sugar daddy is untrue. believe me, if i had someone willing to buy me shit, i would be shouting it from the rooftops. i'm too poor for shame.

lord. a lot has happened in the past few days, all of which i should blog about because it is mildly interesting. alas, i cannot remember now. the few things i have to mention of note.


and just let me say how great this is. Paul Rudd steals the show. i will always love that man! this is what Alan and i refer to as 'the perfect Sunday.' God apparently makes Alan breakfast in bed. I get a cold snap and fabulous videos. in all honestly, Single Ladies is probably the best thing to come out in a while because it has spawned the best shit afterward.

to my few friends who won't leave me alone. i will not tell you my secret, stop asking. :D i can update you this much faithful readers, it is coming to fruition and i don't know if i want it to. we shall see. a few more days to fester... uh, progress, and i will make my big reveal.

i have found my love of graffiti on facebook again. next will be my love of paint. that sad love chart i made is woefully unrepresentative of my previous paint skills. or i should just get Photo Shop and be done with it. i will have to start my web comic soon, or i fear i will never start.

Also, i think i am finally motivated enough to kill my killer bust line. as fierce as these girls might be on any ho out there, i wish they did not love me so. thus, i am taking drastic measures to counteract them.. (so i guess the fried chicken and stuffing i had for dinner isn't a step in the right direction, but still.)
we're gonna see how this shit works out. that and my 1992 Cindy Crawford Shape Your Body video. yeah, i said video--not DVD. anyway, as of now, i weigh a disgusting 211. let's hope i can get back down to like 180 before Christmas time so the hateful fags in Atlanta won't burn me at the stake when i make my triumphant return...

PS- Alan's shit makes no sense. i know who did what over the last few days and his post is so... wtf?? haha. good try Alan. i've found that being sassy with made-up names works best with a reference chart..

source: obviously...
picture: copyright © 2008 Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease

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