Sunday, November 16, 2008

I Can't Find Cameras with My Eyes

Ugh, my night last night was a mess. I need to catch up on posting, so I thought I would type this little one and then type a big one at work tomorrow. Anyjoo, back to the topic. Roomie, friends, and I went to a big lez birthday party last night. I swear that lez is a cuter boy than me. We bought a handle of vodka and made our way. There was a cute German boy there, whose first words to me were that he "loved daniel to death, but daniel doesn't love him back." I responded with, "That's tragically cute. My name is Alan." Well, the night dissolved into my roomie and I playing "chug chug pass" until what was left of the handle was gone. We then played "circle of death". Of course, I did what I always do when I get incredibly drunk...I went to bed...wherever I wanted. Luckily, I fell asleep on one of those couch futon thingies. When they woke me up to leave, JS Jr. had to drive us home because roomie had a ton of absinthe and vodka and rum and gin. When we got home, he proceeded to fall out of the car onto his head. I went to bed and woke up to find a linoleum tile on my chest. My roomie had ripped one up out of the kitchen and placed it on me. He had also broken the handle off the fridge (again), thrown his phone, cut JS Jr. on the back of the leg, and made tuna salad which he didn't eat. It was a fun wake-up. Had to drive back to dick-hater to get Josh's wallet, take JS Jr. back to the Commons, take roomie to work, buy him fags and then get them to him at work, drive roomie's boy home, take Mary-Kate to his apartment so he could get some stuff, pick roomie back up from work. On top of that I cooked and cleaned and made some apple tea. God, I'm amazing.

Oh, look at that shiner of a zit that's starting to form next to my nose. Awesome, not even cover-boy can cover it. Oh, and my eyes were really green. I need to keep track of my eye colors. They change with mood and action. My mom uses them to tell when I'm lying or done something bad.

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