Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Our Phillip Likes to Write to the Editor

In case you needed proof that Phillip is a crotchety old man at heart, he did the modern version of letters to the editor today, by posting a comment on a blog.

The article is here:

His comment is here:

"Wow. There is so much misinformation. I know that the religious groups can say and do as they please, within limits and still retain their tax exempt status. Acting as a PAC is not okay, this I know. A key point in this was brought up, if the Church simply "encourages" its members to donate, that's not the same as the Church cutting a big check and is most likely legal ok. Ethically, not so much, as it's just a side-step of the law.

As for poor Japhy: dude, do your thing. While I am fairly liberal, I like to see all people's points. And all the hate you've gotten just for bringing up things people don't want to face or process is terrible. I just sigh to myself knowing that so many pigheaded people can't be bothered with anything other than what they want to hear. You shouldn't even try try to lure people in with Morning Goods, though I know that readership is important to every online entity.

It's nice to have you, and I won't count you out yet! You're gonna have to try a lot harder to kick me in the teeth and gay bash my head a little harder to get me to quit reading. Basically, thanks for saying something new and hopefully we can all bring the community together and promote some thought and understanding."

And the most closeted man on the internet award goes to writer "Roymondo" You can look for his comments. Phillip and I g-chatted about him. Posted here:

me: who is this roymondo bastard?
Phillip: a crazy
hes like all the way through...
why is he even reading this is my question
i guess it must come up on google if you type in some key words...
Sent at 4:57 PM on Tuesday
me: he's closeted
those that rant and rave the most are frothing not from fervor, but from the disease.

Goodness, aren't we queeny on queerty?

1 comment:

Decimus said...

More! Put more dammit!!!!11!!!1